Debit Release Cards
Release inmates from your agency without putting sensitive financial information at risk.
Through a service provided by our third-party partners, you can load inmate trust fund balances onto pre-paid debit cards instead of issuing checks that contain bank account and routing numbers. The best part is that this service costs you nothing—we furnish all the hardware, software and technical support, and your agency experiences the benefits of this technology:
- Check fraud is eliminated, and your staff no longer needs to manage and reconcile cash and checks.
- Inmates have access to 100% of their funds, on a card that works everywhere MasterCard is accepted. You can load up to $9,700 on a card.
Cardholders can only spend what’s on the card, so they have a greater ability to remain debt free. There’s no surcharge at MoneyPass ATMs, and they can avoid fees altogether by getting cash back at point-of-sale transactions, getting a balance advance from participating financial institutions or transferring funds from the card to their bank accounts.